Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Just Call Me Sentimental!

I took just a few minutes to take pics of some of my favorite Christmas decorations. Most are ornaments, but each tells a story. I was the mom who believed most everything my kids created was special and should be celebrated - hence, the random colored triangle ornament and the styrofoam peanuts ornament! There are others initiated by wonderful teachers who: spent days collecting and painting corn cobs; gave 25 4th graders hammers, nails, template, and copper; and weren't afraid to spray paint one more macaroni masterpiece! The canning lids pictures make me laugh as they remind me of dear Thelma Butler. We'd always look forward to the annual picture - she'd line up her Sunday School charges like a prison shoot and say "smile"!!  What else could they do? When I look around, memories of Maggie and my mom fill my heart with such joy and heartache - gosh, I can't wait to see them for all of eternity. "Miss Maggie", as she was called by her Uncle David. My Mom, with her cheesy plastic holly etc... poked in a glass container. I grew up seeing that red boot and green basket every year! The manger scene belonged to my Grandpa and Grandma Mehlberg. Again, I grew up seeing it under their tree each year - along with gold ball ornaments. Yup, the tree was filled with them and we put one on our tree each year in memory of them. Calling me sentimental may be an understatement!
 Finally, I unabashedly recommend two traditions that are worth adding to your holiday. Please read "The Best Christmas Pageant Ever" by Barbara Robinson to your family every year. My kids are groaning at the thought of it all, and I'm convinced they'd miss it terribly if I stopped! Secondly, memorize Luke Chapter 2. The dinner table is the best time for all of this, as you have quite a captive audience! I ate cold food for much of December so I could read or recite and it was worth it. The memories I have are priceless!
Merry Christmas! Jesus Christ is Emmanuel - God with us. So thankful my walk is with Him!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

What a wonderful idea for a photo collage! My favorite part of Christmas is the memories of people & events evoked by each ornament and decoration as they are lovingly placed on the tree.