Friday, May 15, 2009

#44 - show me the money!

This was very interesting to me - as my husband and I are nearing retirement! I checked out - was hesitant to enter in all of our financial info. The privacy aspect still makes me nervous! I recently started online banking and that has stretched me enough for now! Feed the Pig definitely has a creeper pig! Looks aside, it was a pretty practical site. I also checked out the site. Had to laugh when I was finished reading all of the ways to save money driving - it was based on gas prices of $2.08/gallon! Still, some helpful advice that was a reminder, not much new. Skipped the cell phone since we just went through all of that when buying new cell phones. It takes tons of time and then it all is for naught since we have such limited service for we live! Not much choice - eh? Wisebread was okay - lots of ads to work around. Craigslist got my attention-mainly because of the negative publicity it's received. Found the list for Duluth - wonder if my hubby would let me buy that Farmall tractor? FarWallet earned my attention because it had a cool name. We are shopping today so I got coupons from Penneys! My one act of rebellion was the gardening sites. It just makes me laugh that all of the sudden we are all supposed to garden because of these horrible economic times. Good grief. I grew up with grandparents and parents who put in a garden, hauled my siblings and I to the u-pick strawberry field every year, and the first year of our marriage and 29 yrs. following, we have always had a garden. This is a sensible way of life, not a fad.
Helpful sites: I am hoping the coupons are a help. Most of what I buy in food items is generic, but coupons for clothing would make a big difference. I can't recommend any sites because this was new to me!

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